Mobile App

Mobile App Development
Place your app in the pockets of your customers

It's the mobile apps that make mobile devices so great and popular. They are the interface through which users interact with the device. Let Paragon9 help you embrace the mobile app revolution with a custom developed mobile solution that will both mobilize and enhance your brand experience.

Mobile Apps are Part of a Larger Modernization Solution within Your Business

Mobile apps are one component of a larger, modern, omnichannel application architecture. Create new applications or end points to existing apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Add-on Mobile Experiences to Your Existing Business Processes

Extend your web application experience to mobile devices and connect to your existing on-premise business processes and data from your mobile apps.

Mobile Backend as a Service that Scales with Your Business

Rapidly develop engaging cross-platform & native apps for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone & store app data in the cloud or on-premises. Whether it's user authentication, push notifications, offline capabilities, secure connectivity or custom backend logic, with Azure App Services we can easily develop & scale the backend your mobile app demands.

Create Cross Platform Mobile Apps that Deliver Native Experience

With the Microsoft Mobile DevOps solution, we can easily adapt to the needs of your business & your apps — supporting a flexible set of mobile development options from multi-device native apps to mobile web & hybrid apps.

Let's Go Mobile

Let Paragon9 help usher your apps & business into the future of mobile apps with Azure PaaS.

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